This is my wonderland & I go here a lot.

Lately I've spent a lot of time back in my wonderland. I say back because I haven't spent a lot of time there since high school, almost six years ago.

So let me explain my own personal wonderland...

Wonderland is this place i go to in my head when things are chaotic or not going right or when I just need to escape. It's my safe place. Normally I'm baked out of my mind, but not all the time.

When I'm there my world is peaceful, silent, on pause and it's amazing. I go brain dead just for a short while. Then I begin to hop through my thoughts and figure them out.

I love living in wonderland. It's good for me.

What's Wonderlust my love?

Wonderlust, what is Wonderlust, and actually it's spelt wanderlust but who cares? This is a text I received this morning...from someone whom I love.

Let me explain what it is although I don't know where the term came from therefore I don't know why the question is being asked... But...

Wonderlust, I'm going to define this as a life of mystery. Loving the unknown. If this pertains to my relationship...no fucking clue.



Dom. I confess that he has taught me the most this year. He's given me life tools. Best friend. Boyfriend. Threw thick and thin. Happiness. Come hell or high water. I can't let go. I can't give up. Still fighting. I'll be here. Please don't break my heart. Trust. Faith. Loyalty. Mine. Taken.

First off let me say...


Today is my second thanksgiving without my parents and family. This year though I at least have friends, a few good ones. This year I also have things to be thankful for and I will address them all.

I am thankful for my mother and father for accepting me in tough times. I am thankful for my daughter who will forever be a loved. I am thankful for being a college student and expanding my horizons. I am thankf for Adam and Austin as they have shown me good people still exist and they will always be there in my rough times. I am thankful for Dom, my boyfriend who has given me more life tools than ever and shown me life in a brighter light.

Thanksgiving this year I spend with no family, just friends, and that's okay because as long as you know the true meaning then it doesn't matter.

So celebrate on loves, get your eat on!



Thanksgiving day outfit. Hate on me.
I am a mommy. Daughter. Pride. Joy. Sunshine. Forever dedicated. Little one. Forever mine.
I'm a part time model. This photo grabbed two photographers attentions and booked Christmas shoots with me within 20 minutes of being posted. Hate on me.
Natural at modeling. Peace. This makes me happy. Solo working. Capturing beauty.
Life. Peace. I write to breath. My second yoga. Strength. Documentation. Blogger. Writer. Happiness. Inner peace.
I have a second life. Stripper. Dancer. Hate on me.

Everything keeps changing in my life, nothing's stable. From Dom to my family to my own mind...nothing stays the same for more than 7 seconds.

Today Dom tells me that he is officially going to Utah. I have no words for what I feel. The last few days have been a mess between us and no matter how hard I beg or pled he doesn't help me clean it up any so that I can at least try to understand it. The kid has my heart, my trust, my loyalty, my faith, and my soul. I just want to know where we stand, if we're together, if he wants me to stay with him while he is gone or what is going on. I need answers or I'm going to spontaneously combust.

I am willing to do anything for him, anything for us. I choose you Dom, always. I've already been threw hell, so give it your best shot.

Otherwise I'm hibernating in my apartment consuming myself in school work till my family gets ahold of me so I can go get my stuff.

I start my second job tomorrow..yay stripper shoes and graby men. -.-

Moving along.

I have finals coming up and a few papers due and I have no motivation.

God help me. Please.

Until later my loves, until later.


Oh yah...I want these
It's my life. Yah I smoke. Free your mind. 420. Relax. Puff puff pass. Escape. Girls who smoke. JUDGE ME. Hate on me. ;)

So today Sam got kicked out because she doesn't do anything and she has this stuck up attitude. The truth hurts, and everyone is happy. Oh well, shit comes and goes.

Other than that, Dom said he was coming over tonight, but I don't know. I hope he does, cuddling would be great right now!

Then some random dude came to my door talking about pot and giving us a pot brownie, which isn't all that bad by the way. I come across some strange shit.

Austin came over. I got my Austin fix. I can curl up to him and feel at peace. I don't know why, but I do.

Thing one has been jumping down my throat all damn day. Music, yelling, let's not argue. Mother fucker than lay off me and stop being so ignorant and I won't be such a bitch. I swear he's asking to be tosse down a flight of stairs.

Other than that I just ate a salad and have had noise in a biology book all night.

I did call my mommy and talk to my pumpkin pie! She said quack quack and oh toddles and hot dog why made me smile. My heart melts every time. :) I love that girl! Forever mine & forever dedicated!

I'm going to go and watch fast five now because I'm higher than a kite.

Love laci.

Best friend and the puppy.
Awkward pot brownies.
Oh yah, I live a double life. Asu student by day, stripper by night. Hate on me. Judge me. Fuck off.