First off let me say...


Today is my second thanksgiving without my parents and family. This year though I at least have friends, a few good ones. This year I also have things to be thankful for and I will address them all.

I am thankful for my mother and father for accepting me in tough times. I am thankful for my daughter who will forever be a loved. I am thankful for being a college student and expanding my horizons. I am thankf for Adam and Austin as they have shown me good people still exist and they will always be there in my rough times. I am thankful for Dom, my boyfriend who has given me more life tools than ever and shown me life in a brighter light.

Thanksgiving this year I spend with no family, just friends, and that's okay because as long as you know the true meaning then it doesn't matter.

So celebrate on loves, get your eat on!



Thanksgiving day outfit. Hate on me.

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