Yeah him

6 months, 26 weeks, 182 days, 4,382 hours, and 262,974 minutes we shared together and I wouldn't have changed anything.


Everything keeps changing in my life, nothing's stable. From Dom to my family to my own mind...nothing stays the same for more than 7 seconds.

Today Dom tells me that he is officially going to Utah. I have no words for what I feel. The last few days have been a mess between us and no matter how hard I beg or pled he doesn't help me clean it up any so that I can at least try to understand it. The kid has my heart, my trust, my loyalty, my faith, and my soul. I just want to know where we stand, if we're together, if he wants me to stay with him while he is gone or what is going on. I need answers or I'm going to spontaneously combust.

I am willing to do anything for him, anything for us. I choose you Dom, always. I've already been threw hell, so give it your best shot.

Otherwise I'm hibernating in my apartment consuming myself in school work till my family gets ahold of me so I can go get my stuff.

I start my second job tomorrow..yay stripper shoes and graby men. -.-

Moving along.

I have finals coming up and a few papers due and I have no motivation.

God help me. Please.

Until later my loves, until later.


Oh yah...I want these
Yeah him.

As I sit outside tonight, and it's beautiful mind you, I begin to see a few months a head of me.

I see my apartment here in Phoenix, I see ASU, I see Savannah turning two, I see new friends, and I still see Dom.

That's unique for me actually, incredibly unique...awkward actually. I normally can't see myself around a guy that long. He's different, and I wouldn't change it for the world!


I met this man by total accident and never had any intentions of getting to know him. I'm happy I did though, I'm glad that he ended up with my number and sending me that first text. Everything following that from the date nights to the endless conversations swept me off my feet. The man had won me over, not only a physical and emotional level but a intellectual level. He was the bad boy with tattoos but probably one of the smartest men I have ever met.

I can always count on him to be the voice of reason in my chaotic life. The wise one durning my stupidest moments. The smile when I frown, the laughter when I cry, that man is prepared to handle me at any moment!

To this day he can amaze me. From his spontaneous visits to the random good night text, there's never a dull moment. He's a busy body, with an open mind and that I absolutely love about him. He has a way with his words, but can be the life of the party. He's two different ends if the spectrum all mashed together. Some would call it weird or awkward, I call it perfect.

I've never felt more at home, or safe around some body. Seeing him changes my day, my mood, my outlook on things. When he hugs me or holds me all my problems dissipate. When he talks to me, my world stops for the moment. When he's around, everything's right.

Don't get me wrong, we fight. We've had our fair share of problems, some worse than others. Lucky for me, he acts like an adult, even when I don't, and we can talk our problems out. We can have conversations and solve things. Again, smarter than the average 22 year old.

I can talk openly with him, even though I don't, I can. I trust him with my life, and my daughter, with no hesitation. I can count on him for great advice or to do his best to help me with a struggle. There's no secrets, there was, but there isn't anymore.

All I can say is this man is different, I got lucky. I got him, I won't let go of him anytime soon. I'll do what's needed to make him and I work. He's my best friend, my boyfriend. There's no need to give up on something good going through a rough spot.

Laci. <3


Today my boyfriend tells me heart breaking news. He may end moving to Utah if a deal we have with someone else falls through. That's all bad.

This man means everything to me. I finally found someone I care about, maybe love. I get along with him, I can talk to him, I trust him. I think about him all the time. For once I don't want to destroy it.


This too shall pass or be worked out.

Laci <3

Myself, my daughter Savannah Sage, and my boyfriend Dom at a party for Savannah.
My boyfriend Dom and my daughter Savannah Sage.
His name is Dom, and he's 22 years old. 
I met him my chance, or as some of my friends say...fate. I'll stick with chance. 
My ex fiance text me one night and was like "hey i'm having a party tonight, we're coming to get you." My first thought is who is we and my second thought was, how the hell do you know where I live. Well I walked outside to my ex, and his friend waiting on me in his friends car. I get in and he says "Hey I'm Dom." Well that's great dude, I just worked a 48 hour tour, and frankly I could careless who you are, let's just get tonight over with. 
We then proceed to my ex's house where I start to actually pay attention to this man. So much so I can remember exactly what he was wearing and what kind of shots we took. Ha, actually my ex wanted me to take shots with him and I wouldn't, but when Dom said "She'll take shots with me." I was down instantly. They were passion fruit vodka shots. For the rest of the night we kind of went different ways unless we were both outside smoking. He drove me home that night and the entire way there we talked, with music playing but it was so soft that we didn't notice it. From that day forward, he could make me smile at the drop of a hat. 
We hung out as just friends for a few weeks. We went to movies and dinners and hung out with friends. My favorite thing...running the state of Arizona till dawn. We seemed to click, unsperable, where he was I was.

Then one weekend he headed to California and we text every moment and talked on the phone and finally admitted to each other that we indeed liked each other. When he came back home we went out that night, July 29th, and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't do anything but put an insane smile on my face while I said yes. Then following my yes, our first official kiss. Yeah, I remember everything about this man.

I got lucky in finding him. We have already been through more than most in the short time we've been together, but I wouldn't change it. I trust him more than anyone in my life, I have my best friend and my boyfriend all in one...that's epic wining there.

The man stole my heart, he doesn't know it yet, one day he will.

Ps. He was wearing his purple plaid shirt with blue jeans and he had a mohawk and his red earrings in. I was wearing black skinny jeans, and a black tube top.

Me and him. Him and I.