For three days now my boyfriend has told me he is going to come over. For three days now, he hasn't. There's always an excuse or a reason. I mean I support him and I suspect nothing but I miss him. I miss him a lot. I want to be held and cuddled with. I want to see his amazing smile and feel his warm skin. I want my safety zone and my home to come back to me.

I haven't done anything wrong to him, I've stayed by his side and dealt with all his issues as well as my own ad vice versa.

I wonder what is going on that he's been so distant and secretive. We barely talk, we haven't seen each other. I'm getting worried. I understand he's got a lot on his plate as do I but...what the hell man?!

Ugh, anyways today I spent the day with my nose in a text book geeking out. -.- I'm awesome..not.

Business essentials. Highlighters and all.
Yeah him.

As I sit outside tonight, and it's beautiful mind you, I begin to see a few months a head of me.

I see my apartment here in Phoenix, I see ASU, I see Savannah turning two, I see new friends, and I still see Dom.

That's unique for me actually, incredibly unique...awkward actually. I normally can't see myself around a guy that long. He's different, and I wouldn't change it for the world!


I met this man by total accident and never had any intentions of getting to know him. I'm happy I did though, I'm glad that he ended up with my number and sending me that first text. Everything following that from the date nights to the endless conversations swept me off my feet. The man had won me over, not only a physical and emotional level but a intellectual level. He was the bad boy with tattoos but probably one of the smartest men I have ever met.

I can always count on him to be the voice of reason in my chaotic life. The wise one durning my stupidest moments. The smile when I frown, the laughter when I cry, that man is prepared to handle me at any moment!

To this day he can amaze me. From his spontaneous visits to the random good night text, there's never a dull moment. He's a busy body, with an open mind and that I absolutely love about him. He has a way with his words, but can be the life of the party. He's two different ends if the spectrum all mashed together. Some would call it weird or awkward, I call it perfect.

I've never felt more at home, or safe around some body. Seeing him changes my day, my mood, my outlook on things. When he hugs me or holds me all my problems dissipate. When he talks to me, my world stops for the moment. When he's around, everything's right.

Don't get me wrong, we fight. We've had our fair share of problems, some worse than others. Lucky for me, he acts like an adult, even when I don't, and we can talk our problems out. We can have conversations and solve things. Again, smarter than the average 22 year old.

I can talk openly with him, even though I don't, I can. I trust him with my life, and my daughter, with no hesitation. I can count on him for great advice or to do his best to help me with a struggle. There's no secrets, there was, but there isn't anymore.

All I can say is this man is different, I got lucky. I got him, I won't let go of him anytime soon. I'll do what's needed to make him and I work. He's my best friend, my boyfriend. There's no need to give up on something good going through a rough spot.

Laci. <3

Yeah she's back! :) my soul smiles again.

My upstairs neighbor who I will refer to as "thing 1" is on a whole new level. Last night was another night of text and noise, let's not forget guilt trips.


He asked me to watch his dog while he's at work otherwise he would have to get rid of her. I know he loves that dog so I said that I would help him.

He still is flirting and asking for pictures. He's trying to break Dom and I up and it's not working. Not even close. He's such a flirt!!

I wonder when it will stop? I mean he did jump up and down on his floor at midnight to wake me up to answer his text...Dom can you move in now? Maybe that will stop it?

Holy shit!

^yeah pretty much bro.

Today I'm going to hibernate in my room till my boyfriend comes over. While hibernating in my room I'm going to get blitzed and read some of "eragon" and watch netflix.

I have other things to do today but not till after Dom gets here. I just want a few hours of peacefulness and relaxation. A nice shower, comfy clothes, blitzed brain and books and netflix.

Yes. Today shall be fine, fun, and calm.

On another note, my eye is exploding and it hurts and I'm angry about it. -_-

<3 laci

Fucking ouch! :(
On another note...that bridge...oh the memories!
My message to the boyfriend.
More of my message. Then his. <3 yeahhhh. Butterflies!

This man never ever, ever fails to amaze me. He gives me butterflies!


So the upstairs neighbor who's 21 and his name is Corey, he has a texting problem. Like wow. Mind blown. He's a flirt and he's getting no where. He's talked to me for two days straight. Yikes.

In other eye is twice the normal size, and hurts like hell. I'm living off Tylenol and bowls. -_-

I just hope it's over soon.

Till later...waiting on Dominic.



Today Austin moved out...everything is gone, except his frog, that's mine. :)

I then did a deep cleaning on the apartment that I now officially live in with my awesome roommate Adam. I see good times ahead. Dom will be joining us. Exciting, exciting.

It's been a long day and it's not even over. I still have my own furniture to retrieve from my parents and my truck. Yes my truck...oh how I've missed you.


Moving day mess!
Ahhhh the mess and chaos!
Redone living room. New start. <3
Redone living room! New start. <3
Dining area redone! New start. <3
Clean and improved bathroom. New start. <3
My room. TEMPORARY furniture lol. It will look better when my stuffs there. New start. <3
Clean kitchen! New start. <3
Loving it. New start! Christmas tree!

Today Dom gets his house keys!!! I got mine yesterday!!! Today is memorable!

I'm excited to start something new.

Doms gate card and house key!
My house keys!
By Savannah Sage, Dom, and dirt bike racing. <3