For three days now my boyfriend has told me he is going to come over. For three days now, he hasn't. There's always an excuse or a reason. I mean I support him and I suspect nothing but I miss him. I miss him a lot. I want to be held and cuddled with. I want to see his amazing smile and feel his warm skin. I want my safety zone and my home to come back to me.

I haven't done anything wrong to him, I've stayed by his side and dealt with all his issues as well as my own ad vice versa.

I wonder what is going on that he's been so distant and secretive. We barely talk, we haven't seen each other. I'm getting worried. I understand he's got a lot on his plate as do I but...what the hell man?!

Ugh, anyways today I spent the day with my nose in a text book geeking out. -.- I'm awesome..not.

Business essentials. Highlighters and all.

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