His name is Dom, and he's 22 years old. 
I met him my chance, or as some of my friends say...fate. I'll stick with chance. 
My ex fiance text me one night and was like "hey i'm having a party tonight, we're coming to get you." My first thought is who is we and my second thought was, how the hell do you know where I live. Well I walked outside to my ex, and his friend waiting on me in his friends car. I get in and he says "Hey I'm Dom." Well that's great dude, I just worked a 48 hour tour, and frankly I could careless who you are, let's just get tonight over with. 
We then proceed to my ex's house where I start to actually pay attention to this man. So much so I can remember exactly what he was wearing and what kind of shots we took. Ha, actually my ex wanted me to take shots with him and I wouldn't, but when Dom said "She'll take shots with me." I was down instantly. They were passion fruit vodka shots. For the rest of the night we kind of went different ways unless we were both outside smoking. He drove me home that night and the entire way there we talked, with music playing but it was so soft that we didn't notice it. From that day forward, he could make me smile at the drop of a hat. 
We hung out as just friends for a few weeks. We went to movies and dinners and hung out with friends. My favorite thing...running the state of Arizona till dawn. We seemed to click, unsperable, where he was I was.

Then one weekend he headed to California and we text every moment and talked on the phone and finally admitted to each other that we indeed liked each other. When he came back home we went out that night, July 29th, and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't do anything but put an insane smile on my face while I said yes. Then following my yes, our first official kiss. Yeah, I remember everything about this man.

I got lucky in finding him. We have already been through more than most in the short time we've been together, but I wouldn't change it. I trust him more than anyone in my life, I have my best friend and my boyfriend all in one...that's epic wining there.

The man stole my heart, he doesn't know it yet, one day he will.

Ps. He was wearing his purple plaid shirt with blue jeans and he had a mohawk and his red earrings in. I was wearing black skinny jeans, and a black tube top.

Me and him. Him and I.

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