



Things have been hectic but I have so much to write about I'll do it tomorrow I'm kind of rushing to do something.


& it has!

I changed over night, in a blink of an eye. I had finally had enough.

So let me introduce myself;

Hi, my names laci, and I'm the bitch you wished was still hiding in the dark.

I don't care about what you think. I don't care how you feel. I don't want to hear your excuses. I don't care if I hurt your feelings. I'm not going to dress down, I'm not going to make myself invisible because you feel like nothing to compared to me. I tried being nice, I tried reasoning. Yeah, I just don't give a fuck now.

Good job. This is me, the real me. I warned everyone. Don't be mad when I'm not being a sweetheart anymore.

Be worried. Be scared. Hide your children.



Hell yeah!
Fuck yeah!
Be jealous!

Today I took my finals for my associates degree that I've been working on for three years. I passed all my finals and now I walk across the stage on the 13th! I'm so excited!

Hate on me!

Medical office management degree...your mine you bitch.


Picture true...

As I take breaks here and there at work and study half the time because I brought my books because I have finals coming up. My head feels like it's on an everlasting rollar coaster.

This is going to be one of random ass post because I just need to get my thoughts out in no order!

I miss my boyfriend like no other, but I wonder sometimes if he even cares. Does he care that we haven't seen each other? Does he understand I actually care about him and I miss him deeply? Why can't things be different? Ugh!!

Two. My roommate Adam. He aj ways thinks he's done something to piss me off. That's very rarely the case. He's an awesome friend, there are times I get frustrated or angry but come on now everyone needs there space. He's never royally pissed me off. I wish it would stop otherwise I'm going to expolde and then there will be a problem.

I have to move into Taylor Place in a few weeks and then starts my asu adventures. I'm nervous, and excited...but defiantly not thrilled. Schools already killing me, will this get any fucking easier?!

Will I ever spend my money on me or am I just going to keep drowning? Child support this bill, that bill, and that the other one. Like fuck!!!

I want a date night with my boyfriend. A stoner day with my roommate. A coma day for my brain and body. 2014 better be a better year.

I have three photoshoots coming up. A tattoo I need to get done. A wall I need to path and a floor I need to fix. Just fuck come on bro!!!!!

I have homework coming out my ass and test that haunt me. I do math equations in my sleep. You can find me studying math and business and bio at the club or bar. It's stupid. College is killer.

Plus there are certain people that don't like my job and base me off of it. I'm going to say this once, and once only. This is a job, something to put food on the table and pay my bills. I don't live the lifestyle like everyone else. I am way more intelligent than that. I mean it's whatever.

I'm just overwhelmed and I need a trip to Tempe town lake stat. With a nice bud light in hand and some great music. I need outta here to a peaceful spot. Chandler mall to study. Tempe town lake to people watch. Asu to study. South mountain to work out. Anywhere with grass, water, or trees...and beer don't forget beer.

Oh well. Back to the club now. Because it's so much fun.

& the club was hopin hopin!

Yes. So much yes.

My life's been so hectic I even forgot to blog about a few things. Damn, that's pretty bad.

Well let's start with today, for one. Today I got home at around sixish and then got up at seven or eight I can't exactly remember. Then I went to walmart and got stuff for a dinner with my roommate and friends who ended up having to go into work early. That blows. Then I went to the mall and got some "back stage attire" that works for my boss. Which is stupid, by the way. Then I cleaned and some other stuff.

Yesterday my roommate and I went on a shoppig spree. I got a bunch of stuff I needed for work like make up and stuff. We had a good time out.

I've slept six hours in like four days and I'm feeling it. My body aches and to brain is starting to get slow. I have things to do though, all the time. Between the game, work, school and my apartment it's never ending.

In other news...I graduate from college in ten days. With my associates degree! Oh my god how exciting!!

Dom and I are doing well. He's so amazing. Thank god I have his brain for biology otherwise I'd be in trouble. How that man amazes me.

Now I need a serious cuddle session with Disney movies and junk food in a dark room with my amazing boyfriend to make my month perfect.

I have tomorrow off. So I plan I get some studying in and I have to game to run and parents to pay. Damn child support.

Otherwise life is fine, all is well. I am just sleep deprived and achy from working in heals every damn night. But I'm happy at least. I have a roof over my head, food in my tummy, great friends, and an amazing boyfriend. Life's pretty good.

Till later loves.


Before and after when I go to work.
Work. Hate on it.
New earrings. They glow in the dark.
One of my new shirts from today. It's soft and pretty.
Savvys baby shower pacifier and first toy key are also now ornaments on my tree.

I've been working like a mad woman, falling behind in school and slumber. I seriously get maybe four or five hours of sleep a day, maybe that's a good day. My ankles are tore up beyond belief. There seems to be no end to what I what I put my body through on a daily basis.

Dom and I are good again. Things have been back to normal, and my head and heart feel normal.

I can't type anymore I need to sleep.

Till later loves.


Yeah him
From that to this.

So today i dyed my hair, again. I just did different red because it was so messed up. Adam helped me and that was an awesome little adventure!

Dom and I talked all day and we figure things out which was nice. Dear god I love that kid.

Adam and I did a little shopping and sadly a tire blew. We will get it fixed.

My feet hurt and my heals are tore up. Ouchy!!


Buh bye.

Red hair don't care. Pink lips

6 months, 26 weeks, 182 days, 4,382 hours, and 262,974 minutes we shared together and I wouldn't have changed anything.


I am baked beyond belief right now. I am laying in my bed with another bowl, pizza, and watching Pretty Little Liars. That shows my newest addiction.

I have worked for two nights straight, and I have had no sleep in 24 hours now. Blah.

My roommate though brought me gummy bears and Starbucks. That's amazingness that's perfectness.

I am tired. Ugh. Bed, just bed.
