My life's been so hectic I even forgot to blog about a few things. Damn, that's pretty bad.

Well let's start with today, for one. Today I got home at around sixish and then got up at seven or eight I can't exactly remember. Then I went to walmart and got stuff for a dinner with my roommate and friends who ended up having to go into work early. That blows. Then I went to the mall and got some "back stage attire" that works for my boss. Which is stupid, by the way. Then I cleaned and some other stuff.

Yesterday my roommate and I went on a shoppig spree. I got a bunch of stuff I needed for work like make up and stuff. We had a good time out.

I've slept six hours in like four days and I'm feeling it. My body aches and to brain is starting to get slow. I have things to do though, all the time. Between the game, work, school and my apartment it's never ending.

In other news...I graduate from college in ten days. With my associates degree! Oh my god how exciting!!

Dom and I are doing well. He's so amazing. Thank god I have his brain for biology otherwise I'd be in trouble. How that man amazes me.

Now I need a serious cuddle session with Disney movies and junk food in a dark room with my amazing boyfriend to make my month perfect.

I have tomorrow off. So I plan I get some studying in and I have to game to run and parents to pay. Damn child support.

Otherwise life is fine, all is well. I am just sleep deprived and achy from working in heals every damn night. But I'm happy at least. I have a roof over my head, food in my tummy, great friends, and an amazing boyfriend. Life's pretty good.

Till later loves.


Before and after when I go to work.
Work. Hate on it.
New earrings. They glow in the dark.
One of my new shirts from today. It's soft and pretty.
Savvys baby shower pacifier and first toy key are also now ornaments on my tree.

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