Yeah she's back! :) my soul smiles again.

My upstairs neighbor who I will refer to as "thing 1" is on a whole new level. Last night was another night of text and noise, let's not forget guilt trips.


He asked me to watch his dog while he's at work otherwise he would have to get rid of her. I know he loves that dog so I said that I would help him.

He still is flirting and asking for pictures. He's trying to break Dom and I up and it's not working. Not even close. He's such a flirt!!

I wonder when it will stop? I mean he did jump up and down on his floor at midnight to wake me up to answer his text...Dom can you move in now? Maybe that will stop it?

Holy shit!

^yeah pretty much bro.

Today I'm going to hibernate in my room till my boyfriend comes over. While hibernating in my room I'm going to get blitzed and read some of "eragon" and watch netflix.

I have other things to do today but not till after Dom gets here. I just want a few hours of peacefulness and relaxation. A nice shower, comfy clothes, blitzed brain and books and netflix.

Yes. Today shall be fine, fun, and calm.

On another note, my eye is exploding and it hurts and I'm angry about it. -_-

<3 laci

Fucking ouch! :(
On another note...that bridge...oh the memories!
My message to the boyfriend.
More of my message. Then his. <3 yeahhhh. Butterflies!

This man never ever, ever fails to amaze me. He gives me butterflies!


So the upstairs neighbor who's 21 and his name is Corey, he has a texting problem. Like wow. Mind blown. He's a flirt and he's getting no where. He's talked to me for two days straight. Yikes.

In other news...my eye is twice the normal size, and hurts like hell. I'm living off Tylenol and bowls. -_-

I just hope it's over soon.

Till later...waiting on Dominic.



Today Austin moved out...everything is gone, except his frog, that's mine. :)

I then did a deep cleaning on the apartment that I now officially live in with my awesome roommate Adam. I see good times ahead. Dom will be joining us. Exciting, exciting.

It's been a long day and it's not even over. I still have my own furniture to retrieve from my parents and my truck. Yes my truck...oh how I've missed you.


Moving day mess!
Ahhhh the mess and chaos!
Redone living room. New start. <3
Redone living room! New start. <3
Dining area redone! New start. <3
Clean and improved bathroom. New start. <3
My room. TEMPORARY furniture lol. It will look better when my stuffs there. New start. <3
Clean kitchen! New start. <3
Loving it. New start! Christmas tree!

Today Dom gets his house keys!!! I got mine yesterday!!! Today is memorable!

I'm excited to start something new.

Doms gate card and house key!
My house keys!
By Savannah Sage, Dom, and dirt bike racing. <3

So it's moving day part one, tomorrow's part two. Austin is moving into his own place and now I'm on the lease with Adam and Dom is moving in I guess, Sam will be here for awhile. Yeah. Fun stuff.

So today I got most of Austin's dishes and clothes done and went and saw his apartment. Looks nice and everything. He and Adam unpacked some of his place I stayed here trying to sort threw my brain.

Adam and I are staying...I now live in Phoenix, oh dear god!

In January I move to Taylor Place in downtown Phoenix...that is going to be a whole new experience.

In other news...

Dom and I...we're good I think? For the most part. If charbo would fucking work with me here and help this man! No, fuck it new friends.

I swore, I promised Dom that I would get new friends, focus on our relationship, and myself for a nice amount of time.

He was right, I have been depressed and bitchy to him and it's not right. This whole moving thing was on my nerves, now that's done I'm good.

Now to kick off my last Friday night as all of us as roommates.

Friday mornings going to meet friends with fun.
Adding to my textbook collection.

I've been sicker than a dog for two days straight. Body aches, headaches, stuffy nose, and fevers. I hurt constantly and I sleep a lot. I started aintbiodics today, hopefully the DayQuil on top of that helps. Vic's and Gatorade and homemade humidifiers are my best friends. I haven't ate yet, but I'm working on it.

I've been so sick that I called my mom and was whining like a little kid begging her to fix me. She told me what to do and I'm starting to feel better. Thank god.

Otherwise I've lived in bed, text Dom, deal with life.

I miss my boyfriend. I want to cuddle up and watch movies and get all better. Yeah, he's amazing and is always right in what to do for me.

I should eat.

