Some people, and things never fail to amaze me. Like Samantha and Dom, or the weather, or everything.

Samantha is always on a mood swing it seems like. She never is in the same mood twice, and I'm hoping it's the pregnantcy but who knows anymore. She did cook dinner though.

Dom because I day were fighting, the next day were sending cute text messages. Were the perfect combination of hot and cold. How I miss my boyfriend.

Austin came over this morning and brought me coffee, like te hero he is. I curled my hair today, I did yoga, and I dealt with thing one again. In three hours I'll be dealing with him again. Awesome.

Otherwise I've chilled out in my room smoking some bowls and watching my newest obsession "Pretty Little Liars." So things have been calm.

Hmmm, another bowl, some water, and sleep. Much needed three hour nap before thing one comes home and wakes me up and keeps me up all night.

Till later.


Dom makes me smile. All the time.

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