I'm laci, and I'm 22. & I am back to trying to blog. I'm a short girl with red and black hair and blue eyes. I have a daughter named Savannah Sage and she's going to be two in February. I have a boyfriend, his name is Dom and we've been together for almost 5 months give or take. I live in Phoenix Arizona, but I'm from Small Town Ohio.

I live for the moment. I don't always think first. I have a talent for getting tied up in drama, but it's my least favorite activity. I do enjoy good company and late nights. I live for deep conversations and amazing times.

I enjoy caffiene, I actually live off it. My dirt bike is my first love. Mud would be my second. My lifted truck would be my third. I have a passion for dirt bike racing, and desert parties. DESERT RAT!

I go to ASU, yea I'm still a college student. YOU LITTLE SUNDEVIL YOU!

So come follow me as I venture through my new found college life, and the life I lead.

Laci <3

ASU girl.

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