High school has taken me through the four years of my life that I will never forget. Within those four years I've went through many changes and experiences good and bad, but they have made me who I am today. I went through many struggles, school transfers, and had one person help me and keep me going through it all. Along with the high school experiences, I went through some struggles of my own. 

Throughout high school I had this constant struggle with my home situation. My sister and her two small children had lived with us till January 2009. My sister was 25 and acting 15, a party girl with no responsibilities, when in reality she did, but was shoving them off on me. While she was out I was in, taking care of her children, cooking, cleaning, and still keeping up with my school work, and listening to her complain about a job and her kids. This became a constant struggle because small children require a lot of time and attention, so it became hard to juggle school and kids. Along with this I began to consider moving back to Ohio to be with my brother, little did I know this was going to be a chain of school transfers.

I started my high school career at Apache Junction High School where many problems arose and had influenced me to leave as well as my home situation. I left there and started at Patrick Henry High School in Hamler Ohio, I left that high school in the middle of my sophomore year. I returned to Apache Junction High School for the remaining part of my sophomore year. I finished that year there and then transferred to Apache Trail High School, where I thought the smaller classes and few students would help me focus. I stayed at Apache Junction High School for my junior, and now my senior year, where I am now graduating from. This school has helped me over come my inner obstacles, such as not making it, and becoming a failure, I can say they've given me hope. Not only has the school helped me but a certain person has as well. 

I know I wouldn't have made it to graduation if it wasn't for one certain boy, Toby King. He helped me through some of the worst events in my life. He helped me with my sister and her ex boyfriend, my parents, inner obstacles, and life itself. When I wanted to give up and drop out he wouldn't let me, when I wanted to sleep instead of do school work, he wouldn't let me, even if it meant staying up with me till midnight. He wouldn't, and still won't give up on me. Between the yelling, arguing, late night and early morning conversations he helped me make it this far and I know he's going to push me to go farther and do more with the potential I have. I know without Toby I would not have made it this far and that I thank him for greatly. 

In conclusion, throughout my high school career I have seen a lot that has made me who I am today. I can most certainly say these four years have been unforgettable, and are forever in my heart. The one person who helped me get this far, the school transfers, and life struggles have made my life all that more worth wild. Now just like this speech, high school is coming to a close, and I must say goodbye. Thank you to all the teachers and staff member of Apache Trail High School for making this possible. 

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